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Nhan đề : Thinking of Further Desiderata While Tracing the Reception of Sappho in the Ancient World
Nhà xuất bản : Center for Hellenic Studies
Mô tả: Following up on my previous essay in Classical Inquiries (Nagy 2020.11.20), I offer here some further thoughts about desiderata that occur to me as I proceed in making plans to write up, as a self-standing monograph to be published by Classical Inquiries both online and as a printed “pamphlet,” the results—to date—of my attempts at tracing the reception of Sappho in the ancient world. For my starting point here, I show once again the introductory illustration for my previous essay. We saw there, in the form of a line-drawing, a detail from a vase painting dated to the Classical era of Athens, that is, to the fifth century BCE. As I argued in my previous essay, what we saw in that detail was a picturing of a female beauty who could be viewed as a depersonalized vision of Sappho.
The Classics
Author's Original
Định danh khác : Nagy, Gregory. 2020. "Thinking of Further Desiderata While Tracing the Reception of Sappho in the Ancient World." Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University.
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