Item Infomation

Title: How myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse are related to myths about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis
Publisher: Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies
Description: In two previous essays posted for Classical Inquiries (Nagy 2021.08.02 and 2021.08.09, linked here and here), I analyzed myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse, arguing that these myths can be traced back to Aeolian traditions. Here I go further by arguing that such myths are related to another myth—this one is featured prominently in the Homeric Iliad—about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis, pictured in the Renaissance painting that I have chosen as the cover illustration for this essay. Even the name is relevant. Just like the name of the goddess Chryse / Khrū́sē, the related name of the girl Chryseis / Khrūsēḯs signals a myth that can be traced back to Aeolian traditions.
The Classics
Version of Record
Other Identifiers: Nagy, G. 2021.08.16. "How myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse are related to myths about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis."
Nagy, G. 2021.08.16. "How myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse are related to myths about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis." Classical Inquiries.
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