Item Infomation

Title: Care Agency: a 10-year choreography of architectural repair
Authors: Haber-Thomson, Lisa
Song, Lily
Description: “El mundo que queremos es uno donde quepan muchos mundos.” / “The world we want is one where many worlds fit.” -Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional “What the world will become already exists in fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities.” -Ruth Wilson Gilmore Our thesis is a dispatch from a possible future. A worldwide moratorium on resource extraction sets the scene for the establishment of a Care Agency, a state-administered public platform that provides free and networked care services in Mexico City. Included in those services is the repair of the built environment.The public solicits care services through Requests For Care (RFCs), a vehicle for the expansion of authorship in spatial design. Here, ‘repair’ does not seek to restore past conditions, but adapts to future ones. It is a transformative act of care. In this future, architects are care workers, part of a team of public servants in the Care Agency. This agency recognizes ‘waste’ as an unstable and contrived category as well as a fertile resource, and through the creative labor of collaborators, seeks to re-distribute and work with the abundance present in the urban context. In our imagined roles as design fellows within the Care Agency, we develop “patchwork architecture,” a framework and methodology wherein all design is care, repair, maintenance and reuse. We share this methodology through three case study sites, each of which had been deemed ‘waste’ by a different value system and thus invite different modes of spatial care: an aging and unprofitable stadium, a topography-defying mansion spaceframe, and a sinking vacant low-rise building. Our dispatch takes form as a series of narratives weaving across time and voices, from sistered beams that share loads, to sistered networks of mutual support with indigenous roots, telling a story of collective care interventions that undo that waste.
Other Identifiers: Deng, Cynthia. 2020. Care Agency: a 10-year choreography of architectural repair. Master's thesis, Harvard Graduate School of Design.
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