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Title: Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, City University of New York: Innovations in American Government Award Case Study
Publisher: Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Description: Social and economic mobility are at historic lows in America, while entrenched racial inequality cotinues to erect barriers. Research suggests that education is critically important to enable economic mobility, particularly for the lowest-income populations, which are most frequently served by the patch- work of community colleges across the US. While progress in expanding access and enrollment at community colleges over the past 20 years is significant, the rate of degree completion has generally not improved. Systemic barriers, including financial, social, and academic, persist. Three-year completion rates for associate degrees are very low, and there is a significant achievement gap for racial and ethnic minorities. Eliminating barriers to success is not easy and the community colleges of the City University of New York (CUNY) have not been immune to these challenges. However, while many programs attempt to overcome these obstacles, few have demonstrated verifiable success and none more so than CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP).
Version of Record
Other Identifiers: Jordan, Philip. 2022. “Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, City University of New York: Innovations in American Government Award Case Study." Ash Center Policy Briefs Series.
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